Real Estate Programs
Time is your most precious commodity.
You're busy, so we make everything easy.
Our team understands the special challenges that MDs face due to their demanding jobs and schedules, which can be inflexible, random at times, and occasionally uncertain when on-call.
We care to help MDs minimize interruptions in their day, and save time traveling for in-person real estate related activities. In case of searching for their dream home, we specifically want our MD clients to be able to see any house they want, especially a newly listed one, at any time, even when they are at work. In case of selling a home, minimizing the number of people coming through our client’s home by eliminating the casual lookers and finding the qualified and serious buyers, is key. As a result, our team has developed the following comprehensive virtual services for our MD clients to use, as we work together, and as they find fit:
After helping hundreds of clients in real estate, we have confirmed that a good understanding of the client’s real estate needs followed by thorough planning is half of the battle. Thus, we help you have your well needed consultation with our team from the comfort of your home/office. When you book your free 45-minute consultation with us, we will get to discuss your home interests and needs, share our current knowledge of the market, and make our professional recommendations all “face-to-face” via a video conference call.
Video Conferencing
Video Conferencing
A good discussion over the phone is helpful, but knowing what the next steps are and keeping track of things is key. Our team members will always follow up with an email summarizing the points of our discussion and lay out next steps. We make sure to be comprehensive, brief, and to the point. When working with our team, you will never lose track of what we are doing now, and what is next.
Comprehensive & Detailed Communication
& Detailed Communication
Virtual Showings
Virtual Showings
Buying: While most people are able to block a few hours to go out and see homes, when that highly desirable listing hits the market, you may be tied up at work or home. Special technology will allow you to tour any house in 3-D even when you are at work. The 3-D tour will allow you to look left, right, up, and down, and see everything in the house as we walk through it “together.” We physically walk through the house, & you see it live in 3-D.
Selling: In case of selling your home, our team creates virtual tours, videos, and a 3-D interactive Matterport digital model that allow potential buyers to tour your home virtually without physically coming in, and interrupting your life. As a result, we filter all perspective buyers by providing virtual tours, and only allow the qualified ones who are certain that your home is perfect for them to visit it.
Once under-contract on your dream home, there will be a limited number of days to conduct inspections. While we highly recommend that you attend inspections, we have ways to help you “be there” virtually for the important part. We will help arrange for the professional inspector to go live with you on a video to discuss a summary of the inspection with you on the spot, and show you things if needed. Yes the inspector will send you a detailed report later on with pictures. A brief chat though at the end of inspections can bring a great level of clarity.
Substitute & Virtual Inspections
& Virtual Inspections
Buyers are encouraged to walk through the house a few hours, or a day, before settlement to make sure all is well. Knowing how these in-person activities can conflict with your schedule, our team has partnered with professional inspectors who can do the walk-through on your behalf, if needed.
Alternative Walk Through
Alternative Walk Through
In case of selling your home, we can request a deed package for you and have you sign the paperwork ahead of settlement, and at your convenience. In case of purchasing a new home, depending on the State (PA, NJ, DE) and circumstances, most buyers are required to attend settlement in person. There are ways though that our team has studied and practiced to help you minimize your presence at settlement. Instead of attending an endless settlement, your presence can be limited to an hour, if not less.
Settlement Options
Settlement Options
We are here to assist.